Cervical cancer may not necessarily garner as many headlines as some other forms of cancer. But, each year many women in California hear the news from the doctor that they have cervical cancer. Since the mid-1950s, the survival rate for women diagnosed with this form of cancer has increased significantly. Sources believe that much of the reason the survival rate has shown such positive results can be linked to the use of the Pap test, which can be important for early detection.
The reason we bring this up for our Southern California readers is that January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. The cancer may not garner as much attention in the media, but for a woman diagnosed with the cancer, the issue is certainly important.
Like any disease, there are risk factors that women should be aware of when it comes to this kind of cancer. A risk factor deemed at (or near) the top of the list is the Human Papillomavirus. But, many lists also include HIV, smoking and having given birth to three or more children as common risk factors. Multiple partners may also increase risk for women.
While it is cervical cancer awareness month, it is also important to note that some forms of the cancer are included on the Social Security Administration’s Listing of Impairments. This list provides guidance for evaluating the severity of a condition for the purposes of the eligibility determination process for Social Security disability insurance benefits.
The list specifically identifies carcinoma or sarcoma of the uterine cervix. SSDI benefits are an important part of the social safety net administered by the SSA.
When a worker has paid into the system through payroll taxes for enough time and can no longer work due to a disabling condition, the person may qualify for these important federal insurance benefits. A San Diego Social Security disability lawyer may assist a disabled worker in seeking benefits under this federally mandated program.
Source: The Inter-Mountain, “January is Cervical Health Awareness Month,” Jan. 7, 2014