3 reasons the SSA might decrease or stop your SSD benefits

3 reasons the SSA might decrease or stop your SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2023 | Social Security Disability |

As more people depend on Social Security Disability (SSD) Insurance benefits, it’s essential to understand when the Social Security Administration (SSA) might reduce or stop your benefits. There are fundamental reasons that could lead to such a scenario.

Knowing these factors will enable you to make more informed decisions and effectively keep your benefits.

Factors that affect a stop or decrease

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common for people to rely on things like SSDs to meet their needs. And it’s understandable why. These benefits offer vital support and stability in their everyday life. Plus, they play a crucial role in helping people function as a productive member of society. But, it’s important to know that several factors could reduce SSD benefits in California. Some of these reasons include:

  1. Income or asset increase: You have an increase in earnings that goes beyond the limits set by the SSA.
  2. Your medical condition changes: You experience an improvement in your medical condition that allows you to work. Or the SSA does not consider your level of disability eligible for benefits.
  3. Reaching retirement age: When you get to 62, you automatically qualify and can transition from disability to retirement benefits. This transition affects the amount of financial help you receive.

Preparing to navigate these potential challenges ensures the continued support you rely on.

Staying attentive to these critical factors

The average monthly payment for SSD in California is $1,358.30. Although it may seem relatively low, many people depend on these payments due to severe and long-lasting disabilities. Additionally, it is most beneficial for them if they are unable to return to work or earn enough to support themselves and their dependents. If you find yourself in a similar situation, it is crucial to be aware of the factors that can affect your benefits.

This is especially important if you have earned a certain number of credits and are entitled to enjoy the benefits of your hard work.
