Disabled children may receive Supplemental Security Income

Disabled children may receive Supplemental Security Income

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2016 | Social Security Disability |

Disabilities keep many California residents from working in their chosen fields and professions. When injuries and illnesses prevent them from earning incomes of their own, they can struggle to make ends meet and maintain their livelihoods. In some circumstances when a person’s disability keeps him from earning a sufficient income on which to live, he or she may apply for Social Security disability benefits.

However, not all individuals are disabled in adulthood after they have begun their careers. In fact, many children are born with disabilities that may prevent them from ever having the chance to work for their own wages. When children suffer from disabilities and meet several other qualifications they too may be eligible to seek Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

According to the Social Security Administration a child may receive SSI if he or she is disabled and under the age of 18. The child must not be employed and may not receive income that exceeds $1,130 per month. The child’s disability must be severe and must be persistent. To qualify, a child’s disability must last at least twelve months or must be expected to lead to the child’s death.

It can take several months for a child’s application to be reviewed, though individuals who suffer from certain disabilities may receive immediate benefits as their matters are reviewed. If a child’s application for SSI is approved by the Social Security Administration then he will begin to receive benefits. Depending upon the type of disability that a child has he may expect to have his matter reviewed periodically by the Social Security Administration.

SSI can help disabled children lead productive, positive lives. Parents of children who suffer from serious disabilities may wish to discuss their options for pursuing benefits with attorneys who practice Social Security disability law.
