Proving an anxiety disorder is difficult but not impossible

Proving an anxiety disorder is difficult but not impossible

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

Not many California residents understand how anxiety can be debilitating for many people across the country. Being nervous about a couple of situations differs from a persistent feeling of uneasiness, tension or apprehension. Sufferers of anxiety can have feelings of terror triggered by ordinary events that would not even raise a hair on another person’s head.

Additionally, many people are able to harness their feelings of apprehension into action. However, those suffering from anxiety disorders may find themselves unable to perform everyday tasks and even take extreme measures to avoid situations that could make them feel uneasy. For example, they could end up leaving their job or even leaving their house to avoid triggering events.

Anxiety disorders are categorized based on their symptoms. One type is a generalized anxiety disorder, which is characterized by a fairly constant state of worry that is unrelated to any specific event. This state must have lasted for at least six months to be diagnosed as such. Panic disorders are repeated attacks of terror or anxiety that have no identifiable cause but last up to 10 minutes. Post traumatic stress disorder is another type of anxiety disorder which arises after a person has witnessed a traumatic event or is a part of it.

Getting Social Security Disability benefits on the basis of anxiety disorders can be difficult, as it is difficult to prove. The criteria are hard to document, as the evidence supporting the disorder is subjective and so is the diagnosis. It is important to show a history of persistent treatment by a qualified medical professional to qualify.
