Can migraines qualify an applicant for SSD benefits?

Can migraines qualify an applicant for SSD benefits?

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

What may seem like an ordinary headache to many and no cause for concern can often escalate into pain so severe that a sufferer is unable to move, much less work. Migraines are much worse than severe headaches. They often cause nausea, light and noise sensitivity, imbalance and fatigue. Although the 18 percent of people across the country who suffer from migraines may only get an attack once or twice a week, the symptoms can plague them on a daily basis. Research has found that 14 million Americans are affected by chronic fatigue and debilitating pain because of migraines on a daily basis. 90 percent of those who suffer from migraines are unable to work or move for hours, or even days, after they have had a migraine attack.

California residents may not be aware that the World Health Organization has classified migraines as the eighth leading cause of disability in the world, underscoring the serious consequences of this condition on an average individual. Migraines have the potential not only to leave someone unable to leave their house, but also can isolate them from their loved ones and leave them unable to work and take care of themselves, both emotionally and financially.

While many medical conditions develop later in life, migraines often persist during a person’s most productive years. Found in people commonly between the ages of 25 and 55, it can severely impact a person’s earning ability, while at the same time causing ongoing medical expenses to diagnose and treat the chronic condition.

Despite this, the Social Security Administration does not have a listing for migraines in conditions which can make a person eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, but this should not dissuade someone from applying for SSD benefits. To prove a person is unable to make a living and support themselves, an applicant should be able to demonstrate their daily limitations, provide documents about employment options and offer medical evidence about the frequency and severity of the headaches taking place.
