Is there a way to improve an SSD application?

Is there a way to improve an SSD application?

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

Although it is not possible to guarantee the success of a first time Social Security Disability application, there are certain steps California residents can take to attempt to improve the chances of their application getting accepted on the first try. Those who are applying are probably aware that they are facing daunting waiting times with dwindling resources for SSD benefits and that initial applications are more than 70 percent likely to be rejected on the first instance.

Many people plan on applying online, but this should not deter them from printing out the application and filling it out on paper at first. This can give them an opportunity to get familiar with the questions and gather all the information they may not have immediately ready. This way, when they go online, they do not need to halt the process every time they need to collect additional information. Having the medical records ready is not only a good idea, but a necessary one. Not only does an applicant need to answer questions related to their condition, they also either need to provide those documents to the Social Security Administration or give them permission to access them.

It is also a good idea to get one’s doctor onboard. It is important to remember that the doctor’s opinion must be detailed, stating why the individual specifically cannot work, not just that the person cannot work. It is also important to begin reducing expenses while waiting for a determination on the application. While some are decided quickly, it is important to factor in the possibility of a denied claim and a long appeals process.

Applicants should budget themselves accordingly and try making the necessary cuts to expenses, but not to health insurance. Medical evidence is necessary and losing out on a recent doctor’s report can become the linchpin of a case.
