Make sure you get the facts about Social Security Disability

Make sure you get the facts about Social Security Disability

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2020 | Social Security Disability |

The world in which we live is filled with disinformation on nearly every important topic. Social Security Disability is not immune to the spread of disinformation. Unfortunately, believing these falsehoods leads many eligible California residents away from what could only be described as life-changing benefits.

Our Social Security Disability attorneys want everyone to know the truth about this vital program. As such, we take the concept of educating our friends and neighbors extremely seriously. A large portion of our services centers on helping people like you understand how the program works and how to secure your benefits. The first step is knowing what to believe and what not to believe about Social Security Disability.

For example, you may not realize that you can still work while you are receiving disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) encourages disabled Americans to attempt to become employed by offering work incentives.

One way the SSA accomplishes this is through its Ticket to Work program, which allows citizens to test their work abilities while still receiving Social Security Disability benefits. The program is free and provides participants with training and numerous other services. Most people receiving disability are eligible to enroll in this program without putting their benefits at risk.

A simple blog post like this one cannot possibly contain all the facts you need to know about Social Security Disability. You can find a great amount of authoritative information about the program through the government’s web resources.

You can also learn more by continuing to review our firm’s website or you may reach out to our experienced lawyers for assistance tailored to your unique circumstances.
