People around San Diego need to use their minds and their bodies in order to do their jobs. It is important that both are healthy and when they are not it can make it difficult to do their jobs. There are a number of different illnesses and injuries that people suffer that prevent people from working. Sometimes the injuries and illnesses only keep people from work for a short period of time, but that is not true for everyone. Some people will lose significant amounts of time at work.
Some injuries develop over time as well and are not due to one specific event. It could be because of repetitive movements, exposure to certain chemicals or potentially exposure to loud sounds over time. When people are exposed to loud sounds they can slowly lose their hearing and eventually it may get to the point where they cannot hear well enough to work. This can make it very difficult on people’s lives both physically and financially. Without income meeting people’s obligations can become very difficult, but people may be able to receive social security disability (SSDI) to help with the financial difficulties.
SSDI requirements for hearing loss
Not everyone who experiences haring loss qualifies for SSDI though. There are certain requirements that must be met first. First people need to complete both otologic and audiometric tests to determine the extent of the hearing loss. In order to qualify, people must have an air conduction hearing threshold of 90 decibels or greater and a bone conduction threshold of 60 decibels and in the better ear. In the alternative people can qualify if they have a word recognition score of 40% or less.
There are many people in the San Diego area who have either suddenly or slowly lose their hearing. This can change their lives and make things much more difficult, including being able to work. People rely on their jobs to earn an income and provide for themselves and their families. That is why it is so important to receive SSDI if they are unable to work because of their hearing loss. The process can be complicated though and experienced attorneys may be able to guide one through the process.