How the Compassionate Allowances helps with SSD benefits

How the Compassionate Allowances helps with SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2021 | Social Security Disability |

The process of applying for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits can be lengthy and time-consuming. Many claims for disability benefits are initially denied which can add to the amount of time it takes to obtain benefits which is why any opportunity to expedite the process can be beneficial. The compassionate allowances list can help speed up the process.

How the compassionate allowances list can help

The compassionate allowances list allows diseases and other medical conditions that meet the Social Security Administration’s standards for disability benefits by definition. The list is intended to reduce waiting time for disabled applicants for benefits so that those with the most serious disabilities receive the benefits they need as quickly as possible. The compassionate allowances list is long. It includes certain cancers, adult brain disorders and rare disorders impacting children.

Even if the disabled applicant for Social Security disability benefits does not suffer from a medical condition on the compassionate allowances list, they may still apply for benefits and may still be able to obtain them. Based on the evidence of their medical condition, the applicant can still demonstrate that they suffer from a disabling medical condition the prevents them from working. If the medical condition is also expected to last for a year or longer, they may qualify for SSD benefits.

The compassionate allowances list can help move the process along if the disabled applicant suffers from a medical condition on the list. For that reason, it is an important list for disabled individuals struggling with their disability and daily needs to be aware of.

