Common reasons for SSDI denials

Common reasons for SSDI denials

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2022 | Social Security Disability |

If you are no longer able to work due to a disability or medical condition, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. SSDI benefits are intended to provide you and your family with financial support while you are out of work. However, many applications are denied for a multitude of reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons for Social Security Disability (SSD) denials:

  • Ineligibility based on income: In 2022, non-blind applicants who earn more than $1,350 per month or blind applicants who earn more than $2,260 per month are generally illegible for SSDI benefits based on their income levels.
  • Ineligibility based on medical condition: To get approved for benefits, an applicant must have a severe disability, as defined by the SSA, and that lasts for at least one year or is expected to last for at least one year.
  • Failure to follow doctor’s instructions: SSDI applicants are required to adhere to their doctor’s recommended treatment plan in order. Failure to follow the prescribed plan can result in a denial of benefits.
  • Failure to provide necessary documentation: The SSA requires applicants to provide information and documentation regarding their job history, income, medical treatments, and education to establish that they are entitled to benefits. Failure to respond to requests for information or failure to provide information required can result in a denial of benefits.
  • Multiple prior denials: Applicants who have their applications denied multiple times and continue to reapply for benefits are less likely to finally get that approval they are seeking.
  • Capacity to work: The SSA will use a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment tool to determine the level of work an applicant is able to perform with their medical condition. If the SSA determines an applicant has the capacity to work a job they worked previously or the capacity to maintain gainful employment, the applicant’s claim for benefits may be denied.

Filing an application for disability benefits may seem straightforward, but it is easy to make costly mistakes that can result in a denial of benefits. In fact, the Social Security Administration reports that a majority (approximately two-thirds) of SSD claims are denied. An attorney specializing in disability benefits can help you avoid mistakes and get your application approved.
