Key points about residual functional capacity with disability

Key points about residual functional capacity with disability

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2022 | Social Security Disability |

California residents who are suffering from an injury, illness or condition that they believe warrants approval for Social Security Disability benefits might feel overwhelmed at the seemingly complicated nature of the process. There could be terms that are difficult to understand. One such term is the residual functional capacity (RFC). This is a fundamental aspect of a case and it is imperative to know how it influences the outcome.

It is important to know about RFC when applying for SSD benefits


Essentially, RFC refers to what the person can and cannot do based on their impairment. The evidence from the case will be used to determine the RFC. While severity is a crucial aspect of getting approved for SSD, even if there are impairments that do not meet the severity criteria to be approved, they can be considered in the context of RFC.

The person’s ability to perform work based on their physical, mental and sensory conditions will be considered. With physical skills, the person’s limitations will be analyzed. Then their RFC will be gauged as to whether they can perform work regularly and continuously. If a person has a physical injury or limiting condition, it might inhibit their ability to stand, walk, lift, pull, carry and do other basic requirements of work and limit their RFC

Mental conditions can also negatively impact a person’s RFC and lead to approval for SSD benefits. Just as a person might not be able to perform certain aspects of work physically, they could have limitations that prevent them from performing the mental necessities of the job. Issues with memory, comprehension, being unable to adhere to instructions, not being able to work under supervision or having obstacles in working with others can all be considered limiting under their RFC.

The applicant could have certain impairments with their senses such as blindness or deafness that limit their work abilities. This might not be a problem for some jobs, but in the context of past work experience and the type of jobs the applicant can do, it could be used as evidence to warrant approval.

Navigating the process of SSD benefits may require legal guidance

Applicants could be intimidated when they hear unfamiliar terms like residual functional capacity and think they will not be approved for Social Security Disability. However, it is simply part of the process the Social Security Administration uses to make its determination. For assistance with this or any other part of a claim, it is important to have help from experienced people who know the terrain of SSD applications and appeals.
